New Groups Starting in October
I am very excited to inform everyone of my new group format starting in October. We will meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 7p-830p.
The 1st Wednesday will be grief support for those who have lost a loved one to death. We will have discussions of grief experiences and support without judgment.
The 3rd Wednesday is for anyone who would like to find more balance in this stressed-filled world. As we carry grief in our bodies, stress is also carried in the body affecting not just our emotional health but our physical health as well.
We will have professionals presenting on complementary therapies such as acupuncture, the benefits of massage therapy, and meditation, to name just a few.
As anyone who has read my blog or FB posts knows I love the expressive arts and have a lot of ideas and talented presenters. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be creative, artistic or talented in art, just have a willingness to try and have fun. Who knows, you may discover a new talent.
Finally, I will have guest speakers who will share their grief journey. These are former clients who have offered to share their stories to help others just starting on the overwhelming journey of grief. Telling our story is an important part of healing and I admire the courage it takes to allow oneself to be vulnerable for the benefit of others.
I look forward to the start of these groups and know they will be beneficial.
You can register anytime on my website.